Sunday, December 7, 2014

Chapter 04

Chapter Four
The teams all here

   Well, damn, I wasn't able to write this yesterday after the meeting. I had planed to write my next entry as soon as possible, I'm glad you take all breaks in my continuity as mere writer mishaps because you all think I'm just making all this up. I wish I was, then I would be a genies but I'm just here writing away.
    In any case I wish to say that I must keep trying so as to show you what happened, so here is my best account.


   I was beckoned in by the ever enigmatic Director of the Organisation, and called to the meeting of my Team. "Come," He said. "You are each vary special and unique. Such as that so far, you are the only intelligent entitys we have yet chosen as agents. You had better make it count. I suppose I should introduce you each, by your code-names and job titles of course. You may socialize after missions, and even give each-other personal information if you wish, but that is not up to us.
     "First up we have the Saighdiúir." He points at the third person in the line, farthest from me. "His job is simple on this team, he is to fight and defend. To be honest, most of your work is going to be on the beasts we must sometimes battle in the way of the missions of the Organisation.
     "Next up is the Mörder, due to your tendency's we have you restrained for this meeting." He quickly gestured to a girl who was in the center and was in a actual damn straight-jacket! "We also have you drudged up on Adrenalin so that we can speak with your second half. Your job is quite simple, you are to keep yourself in the center of all operations and to kill any threats to the Organisation."
      "Finally we have the Pirata," He said pointing at me of course. "Your job is fairly simple, you will be mostly used for recon and the acquisition of certain objects that belong in the reliquario. You will also be a leader at times when the three of you are in the field together.
   "In addition to each of your unique talents, we are allowing each of you to have a companion of sorts. These may seem like mere objects, at least your first Encantado, but they are living in a manner of speaking. One of you," He looks at me again, then continued. "has already received his. Another," He shifts his gaze to the other guy. "will find his familiar and in the safe-house we have set up for him. But still, we must bestow upon you," Now he's looking at the girl. "your gift. In the package in front of you is a pair of scissors... you insisted, or at least a part of you did. Anyway, these are not simple improvised weapons. These were forged by a psychic whom we hired to summon the spirit of Muramasa, one of the greatest sword-smiths of all time. He imbued these blades with his own special kind of bloodthirsty magic, and they are all yours if you work with us."
    And that I'm afraid is where I must hold my tongue. I supose I'll be getting a mission soon. In any case I am tired my Friends, goodnight.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Chapter 03

Chapter Three
A ghost of an idea

   Well, here it finally is. Today I was contacted by the organisation, the scum. In any case I was brought in to meet the two they have me teaming up with. Whatever... It could have gone allot worse.
   I suppose it should be expected, allot of weird things have been happening sense I last put up a message. First the Organisation sent me a little package that contained a message telling me that sense I had no real ability as of yet I was to 'tame the being' they had sent me, which I supposed was going to help me on missions. The box contained what appeared to be nothing but an old DS Lite and a black Gameboy cartridge with a black and grey label that says Pokemon.
     Well, given you are reading this story you probably know what I'm talking about so I'll cut to the chase. I had of course a working knowledge of the Creepypasta scene, duh, and I kinda figured what it was. This was the Creepy Black version of the game, but why was it here and why was the Organisation asking me to 'tame' it. This wasn't a haunted game, right? I'm pretty sure it was just a hacked game and... Whatever, I suppose I should just play it and find out.
     I popped the game in the DS Light, which shouldn't have worked but... whatever. It worked, and fairly normally, until I noticed something off about the second screen. Since it wasn't a DS game it should not have had a button on the second screen but it did for some reason. I clicked it, because duh, and the entire thing seemed to shut down. 
    "Hello master." Came a Text Bubble on the screen. Slowly a Ghost sprite from the game, the one I had gotten as my Pokemon in this Version that I had played it a bit to confirm, and the sprite seemed to be waiting. Still... their wasn't any response buttons so I sighed and got up the courage to look like an ass and speak to the thing.
     "Hello, Ghost" I said to it. "I'm your master?"
     "Yes" the sprite said. "I'm a somewhat altered Tamagotchi sorta thing the Organisation infused with Dark Magic. I suppose this cartridge already had some black mojo going on and they capitalized on it."
     "Yeah I herd it was a hacked game, so they added to the creepiness. Anyway, may I ask why they sent you to me?"
     "I was informed that you were to be my master, a handler of sorts, and that you and I would gather others simpler to myself as a sort of basic side mission for you to gather strength or something. In any case, your my master now!"
     "Fine," I sighed, "I suppose you have some sort of systems I can use to help me... whatever, can I watch TV on this thing?"
     "YES! I have modified the system for my own uses, I can also connect to any other video game system using the chords in the box. But that doesn't mater now, now you gotta go to the Organisation. You have a mission."
     I quickly got going, now I'm waiting to get into the room with my new teammates writing this with the help of Ghost, I hope it goes well.

Thursday, December 4, 2014


Well... Feck it. Check out, in the usual place, my next subordinates crazy account... I really hope people stay more realistic to these characters...

Friday, November 14, 2014


Well... OK, this may seem a bit odd... considering it's semblance to my work but this is in fact the first spin off story. Its written by a close friend of mine, it is a bit odd... but hey, that's what she thinks would happen to her and... I would not but surprised. We never actually met in this world, because of a reason that will become apparent when you read 'Mary'. Just check it out at the top of the page!

Monday, November 10, 2014

Chapter 02

Chapter Two
Farther down this road

The next event that I suppose fits into the category I'm going to call supernatural happened several months latter. The day started normal enough, in point of fact I'd forgotten entirely about the previous encounter. If I had to look back, this would be the moment my destiny among the people of shadows.

.   .   .
To be honest I was simply astounded when I was approached by these two, I have no idea how they knew about my attack all that time ago. I was REALLY freaked out when two men in suits come up to me on a walk and began to ask about my encounter with the dog. It turned out, they told me after I signed a few non-release documents, that they were part of an organisation known only as the shadows who were tasked with neutralizing such things.

Of course I thought they were nuts, who wouldn't, but still I thought what the hell and went along with it. The problem with that is that they had one of the things they'd neutralized on them, and I got a demonstration. They pulled out a little flute and began to walk down the street playing it and I couldn't help but follow...

I was taken to a nondescript corporate building south of where I had been on my walk. They lead me inside and showed me to what I recognized as a laboratory. They locked me in a room for 'further testing', I was held their for several hours. After some time I was taken to see the director, who decided I was perfect for a position they had been trying to fill.

For some reason the sorts of activity they had been studying was increasing every year. And a creature they'd had under raps for years had escaped... You guessed it, the black dog. Apparently all those years ago it was an Oman portending death, but its meaning seemed to have changed.

For I had not died, I'd had no real problems since the attack. In fact the only affect seemed to have that the sensors would indicate me as a threat. But the director was willing to offer me a deal. They would let me free, if I agreed to be a part of their New drastic measures team of... Well people and creatures considered threats.

He'll, when they had brought me in the two agents had been participating in the program. They were escorting the flute, as well as testing it. So , he told me, I had a choice, I could either work with him or I could stay locked up and safely out of the way. Not much of a choice eh?

So, of course, I chose the former. He had his men escort me back home after downloading an app to my phone that would keep me in touch and tracked. I was too meet my new team in a few days, and to keep out of trouble till then.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Chapter 01

Chapter One
My first trip into the shadows

So, I suppose I should start at the start of it all. Hello, my name is Fox... and that's all you need to know about me. I suppose you'll learn more about me as I continue this, but for now I don't think I need to say any more. I'm going to start with my first encounter with the extraordinary.
.   .   .
I was visiting my home city of New York on my 13th birthday, and it was after my party. I decided that I would visit some of my old haunts, no pun intended. I went to central park to re-live memories of brighter days.

As I walked down one of the out of the way paths that meander around central park it happened. I'd like to say I noticed right away that their was something odd going on, but I was listening to some really loud music and my other senses aren't that sharp.

Only when I nearly bumped into it did I see the dog on the middle of the path. It seemed wounded and I must admit I felt sorry for it. But of course when it attacked me I defended myself. I know it sounds odd, but not once did the thought to run away from the beast go through my head. I wasn't able to kill it, and even then I didn't want to. Still, I drove it back with minimal injury.

As soon as I could I contacted the park authority's and got some quick medical attention. Physically I was surprisingly uninjured, but that business did freak me a bit out. When I got home my mom fawned over me because of my injuries not letting up until I assured her I was fine without a doubt.

To be honest it seemed fairly regular at the time, just some stray dog attacking me. But still, after that things began to get stranger and stranger. Looking back, that is the first in a line of supernatural encounters that led me to today. It is because of these encounters that I met the cast of characters who I fight along side to help humanity.

Sunday, October 26, 2014


Ok, so I am going to be posting the chapter as a post and then I will make a page for them. I thoght it would be best if I explained it.

Saturday, October 25, 2014


So, I suppose I should explain how this will work. Their will be two or three formats that I will use. The first and most prominent being chapters where I actually tell the story. Then their will be the Dossiers, I will update these and each one will be for a specific element in the story. Each will be synchronized to the story and can be used as a quick reference guide. Some Dossiers will be expanded upon with supplementary materials.

Friday, October 24, 2014


Hi, this wont be a blog per-say... I will be using this website to as a place to write what I term an 'internet novel'. This will be a story set in a parallel universe specifically with the internet in mind. I don't plan on actually publishing this, getting the innumerable permissions I'd need to get to publish it without hassle would be a pain. I plan on writing this story for years, each chapter being a brief glimpse into the life of my alternate in the parallel universe... ENJOY!